Stalking Shadows

*Once again I am proud to say that this blurp is part of Kallan Kennedy's fabulous Sunday Stew. Please follow the link below and check out the entire blog! Nourish your spirit with all the wit and wisdom from all of the fabulous chefs who are a part of it!

“Let not death, nor the graveyard, overcome you with fear, for every see buried in its cold ground, resurrects forth anew, into a blossomed life.”  -Anthony Liccione

Shadows define us. They create boundaries that help us understand our place in this world and the next. In psychological terms, the Shadow is the entirety of the unconscious aspects of the self; often deemed as positive (light) and/or negative (dark). Spiritual or paranormal ‘Shadows’ are the souls, energies or apparitions of spirits that linger or travel between the worlds-both separate and part of time itself. We’ve often heard of them through myths, folklore, or just good old fashioned ghost stories.  

As the Wheel of the Year turns and the veils between the worlds become thinner, it becomes easier for some people to notice these Shadows in their peripheral vision. Many wonder if they are going crazy or dismiss the Shadows as ‘tricks of the light’. I might have wondered the same thing if I hadn’t been seeing these Shadows most of my life. The small town I grew up in had 4 cemeteries. There wasn’t a direction out of town you could go that didn’t pass by one of them. They were our backyards, our short cuts, our classrooms and our playgrounds. The headstones were markers not just for the resting place of the dead, but for all of us kids who could identify each stone as easily as we could our living neighbors.

As children, we didn’t mind the Shadows we would observe around certain areas of the cemetery. Some stones almost seemed hazier than others because of the constant presence of the Shadow that lingered nearby. Shadows were most noticeable near freshly turned earth that covered a recently interred departed. We weren’t afraid of the Shadows there for it seemed as natural as the grass that covered the graves. When I asked my mother once why people told me I shouldn’t go into the cemeteries, my mom told me, “Lina, the Dead can’t hurt you. It’s the live people you need to worry about.” My mom told me that I had no reason to be afraid, but to show proper respect when I was in a cemetery. I had always done that so I had no worries.

When I moved away as I got older, I didn’t live near any cemeteries, which was definitely not by choice. I noticed in other places I went to that cemeteries were in out of the way places. Some cemeteries were even locked up so you couldn’t get in at night. That blew my mind, for growing up my favorite time to visit the cemeteries was at night! At night we loved to watch the ‘lights’, which we also knew were the same kind of spirits as the Shadows we saw during the day. Just like we kids all looked different, they were different and it was natural to experience Shadows in other forms. But I couldn’t understand why so many cemeteries were kept locked. Were they trying to keep people out, or keep the Shadows in?

One of my favorite places to go for walks is in a cemetery. Any cemetery-big one, little one, newer or older (my favorite), there is no place where the energy is more palpable to me than a cemetery. Walking through a cemetery I never felt alone, because I wasn’t. There are always Shadows present at a cemetery. They like to watch and often like to follow you as you stroll around the area they call home. In a cemetery you can see and touch history with hand carved headstones that have stood the test of time or you can see how modern technology has created laser etched, true-to-life photo headstones.  But they are just the markers, the monuments, the art created by the living to pay tribute to the dead. There are other markers such as flowers, flag stands, steps, benches and candle holders and each carry energy. From the first mourner to every caretaker in between and sometimes, also of a Shadow that lingers near the last resting place of their physical manifestation. There is energy you can tap into and meditate on. Memory holds powerful energy-for within it you will find not just sadness and love but also other emotions from guilt, to anger, to acceptance.  

There is a peaceful feeling in a cemetery and much of that energy comes from the trees. I spent many years noticing the energy vibrations running through trees that are in cemeteries. They are special Guardians that soothe souls of the living and the departed. If you sit near a tree and focus, you can sense that energy. If you place your hands on the tree and focus, you can feel a powerful vibration that is like their own song. I have observed that the older the tree, the lower the vibration-slower, deeper, like a hypnotic chant that drains the hectic energy out of you till all you feel is calm. Younger trees vibrate at a higher level-their song is calming, but it is also celebratory, like a reminder of joy and love. The trees always have Shadows nearby seeking their solace.

I go to cemeteries to see and listen to the Shadows. Some prefer just to watch others and don’t come near. Some come close without saying anything, but just want to get close to those who are able to acknowledge them. Some are chatty-they linger on in this world for their own reasons, and they have stories to tell or just want to know that you can hear them. Be prepared to listen. One of the first times I was caught by surprise was when I was actually parked on the street next to a cemetery. I guess I forgot that Shadows are not restricted by wrought iron fences. Sitting in my car with no one around I heard, “HELLO?!” shouted loudly in my ear. I jumped and looked around, but I saw no one. I felt energy near me spike as the Shadow near me seemed to recognize that I heard him. When I said hello in return, the energy a sigh of relief.

Many people still don’t like cemeteries and find them ‘creepy’. Some are just not comfortable with the silence and stillness.  For those who are still wrestling with their own mortality, cemeteries are a huge hurdle to overcome. All the Shadow areas between the Veils are beautiful parts of the Mystery that is Life.  Reaching out to connect with the Shadows should be part of how you learn to define not just your spirituality, but your humanity. By acknowledging the Shadows that linger we learn a little more about the land between time and space and we learn to see more clearly through the Veil. While visiting with the Shadows in the cemetery you may learn something about them, but I think you will learn a bit more about yourself.


  1. Beautiful blog Lady! I particularly love cemeteries myself. With respect, my kids, neices and nephews, and brother will play Ghost tag there. We also go out there sometimes just to sit around and look at the stars. We love going out there. My kids always know that graveyards are not scary. We love cemeteries.


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