Sunday Coffee Klatsch! February 23, 2014
Hello my friends! Welcome back to another Sunday Coffee Klatsch here at Mid-Stride Moxie! I was thinking about when I might put out these little Coffee Klatsch posts...and it actually made me think about when I was a kid back in the 60's and 70's. The relatives would come over at all times of day during the weekends. Seems like we always had folks coming over to our house! But I recall that on Sunday afternoons, they would come over and sometimes stay for dinner. After dinner, always-without fail, Mom served coffee. Back in the day, there was no one who said, 'Oh, none for me!' or 'If I have any of that I'll never get to sleep tonight!' Blah, Blah, Blah.... EVERYONE drank coffee after dinner....So, I decided that when I serve up my invitation to my little Coffee Klatsch, it will be in the late afternoon...round about dinner you can enjoy it after your evening meal. Cool? Works for me! I love the picture above, don't you? Kinda reminds me of m...