
Showing posts from February, 2014

Sunday Coffee Klatsch! February 23, 2014

Hello my friends! Welcome back to another Sunday Coffee Klatsch here at Mid-Stride Moxie!  I was thinking about when I might put out these little Coffee Klatsch posts...and it actually made me think about when I was a kid back in the 60's and 70's. The relatives would come over at all times of day during the weekends. Seems like we always had folks coming over to our house!  But I recall that on Sunday afternoons, they would come over and sometimes stay for dinner. After dinner, always-without fail, Mom served coffee. Back in the day, there was no one who said, 'Oh, none for me!' or 'If I have any of that I'll never get to sleep tonight!' Blah, Blah, Blah.... EVERYONE drank coffee after dinner....So, I decided that when I serve up my invitation to my little Coffee Klatsch, it will be in the late afternoon...round about dinner you can enjoy it after your evening meal. Cool? Works for me! I love the picture above, don't you? Kinda reminds me of m

Ooops! Late Stew and mini-blurp!

Secret Life of the American Witch-Sunday Stew 2/16/14 Holy cow! I forgot to post the link for this week's Sunday Stew at Kallan Kennedy's blog-The Secret Life of the American Witch! I have a little article on the use of Pendulums that I do hope you'll enjoy. The rest of the Sunday Stew is full of some great articles. I wish I could describe them all but it really is worth just clicking the link above, grabbing your favorite beverage, and hunkering down to read them all! This week I am looking forward to some warmer temperatures. We were hammered again last night with another 3 or so inches of snow. Looking at all that white just makes me want to scream! This afternoon, the temperatures are supposed to be in the 50's. I am desperately in need of warmth (relatively speaking in winter) and some sunlight! Here in NJ, the weather is supposed to be warmer so I am really hoping to get some relief from this Seasonal Affective Disorder which has been particularly brutal this sea

V-Day tribute to Mom and Dad-This is Devotion

Valentine's Day... Today I am not thinking of hyped up symbols of romance in the guise of overpriced roses, jewelry, or dinners. This Valentine's Day, I am thinking of my parents...Felix and Virginia Soto. For 48 years...they were devoted to each other. Good times, hard times....alone and raising kids...angry and sickness and in health...they stayed by each other's sides for 48 years. They didn't quit, they didn't throw it away when things got hard or the money was scarce...they toughed it out, together. Quiet and shy around strangers, my Dad was the perfect compliment to my friendly and gregarious Mom. In the comfort of their home, they verbally sparred with each other. Quick-witted and funny, they loved to laugh with each other. Dad worked hard to pay for their needs and comfort; Mom worked hard to get the most out of everything they had. They worried about me and my happiness. When I brought Sean into their home, they were so happy. When I told them w

Winter Blues (aka I F**kin Hate Snow!!)

I really....REALLY don't like Winter (Hate may not be too strong a word for it...). For the life of me, when I hear people talking about loving snow, or how pretty ice is, or even the supreme weirdos who enjoy shoveling's like I am surrounded by aliens. Give me the sunshine...the green grass...the budding trees and blooming flowers...the ocean breeze and sand between my toes and I'm a happy girl. Yes, even when I'm sweating balls in 100+ degree weather with 90% humidity, it's better than being trapped in a snowstorm. My best friend is a tremendous fan of Winter (I still love her-no one's perfect...). She will grouse until we get snow, and then grouse more if we don't get an extreme blizzard with a minimum of 3-5 inches to cover the lawn. To me, snow is good for keeping me out of work for a day or two....but even when I'm safe and warm inside my home, I resent the hell out of that frozen white stuff that is preventing me from enjoying a day outd

Sunday Coffee Klatsch!! Brew, Stew and new Links for everyone!!

Well friends...once again we come together to share a Sunday coffee klatch! I love these moments...and I only wish I could enjoy gatherings like this more often and in person with many of you.  I've been off of Facebook for about a week or so now (intentionally) due to increasing drama, stress and well, Mercury Retrograde. I decided to stay off as much as possible, which has given me a great deal more time to explore the rest of the web and make some new finds I'd love to share with you! Anyway, let me start by first sharing the link for the Sunday Stew! There is a little post I wrote on one of my favorite spiritual philosophers and poets-Rumi. Kallan Kennedy's awesome and truly fantabulous blog  The Secret Life of the American Witch!  should really be considered as great spiritual teachings. The amount of wisdom shared by Kallan and all the chefs at the Stew is staggering and humbling. I consider it a primary learning tool and hope you will, too.  Go ahead and follow the l

Imbolc and then some!

Bright Blessings, my friends! I'm hoping this day finds you well wherever you are. Here in NJ, we are being hammered by yet another snowstorm. (I am sooo over winter...). This recent storm forced me to cancel plans to drive up north today and conclude some business with my parent's estate, least I am home and safe with my hubby and my cat. Cozy, warm and's a blessing and I am grateful for it! So, I am working on some blog topics for upcoming editions here at Mid-Stride Moxie. I am also working on my contributions for Kallan Kennedy's blog-The Secret Life of the American Witch! You can click here for the  Sunday Stew-Imbolc Edition . It's another good one...and there is a giveaway, too! Be sure to go over and check things out if you haven't already! At the mo', I find myself actually taking a bit of a break from some social media. I have not been on Facebook nearly as often as I had been. I check in, look around, but don't generally