Sunday Coffee Klatsch! February 23, 2014

Hello my friends! Welcome back to another Sunday Coffee Klatsch here at Mid-Stride Moxie!  I was thinking about when I might put out these little Coffee Klatsch posts...and it actually made me think about when I was a kid back in the 60's and 70's. The relatives would come over at all times of day during the weekends. Seems like we always had folks coming over to our house!  But I recall that on Sunday afternoons, they would come over and sometimes stay for dinner. After dinner, always-without fail, Mom served coffee. Back in the day, there was no one who said, 'Oh, none for me!' or 'If I have any of that I'll never get to sleep tonight!' Blah, Blah, Blah.... EVERYONE drank coffee after dinner....So, I decided that when I serve up my invitation to my little Coffee Klatsch, it will be in the late afternoon...round about dinner you can enjoy it after your evening meal. Cool? Works for me!

I love the picture above, don't you? Kinda reminds me of my Italian aunts coming over and everyone sitting in their rollers around our kitchen table and just chatting while drinking their coffee! Ha! That is a memory from the 60's that won't ever leave me!

First, let me remind you to go check out this week's edition of The Secret Life of the American Witch! I have contributed an article titled 'Your Intution-Tune In' and I do hope you'll go over to read it. Please leave feedback, as I love to hear what you think! So many more goodies there, as usual, that I know you will be quite sated when you've finished!

I've been busy, busy, busy lately. Thought I was just about finished dealing with the Estate stuff and then WHAMMO! We discovered another annuity account my parents had that the bank never told us about! I know some folks would be responding, 'Hey-more money? That's great!' But honestly, I am so tired of dealing with all this that I hope we can close this out rather quickly. The amount isn't too big, but it will cover a significant portion of the Lawyer's it's not something I can ignore. Just another curve thrown at me by my beloved Mercury Retrograde, which has been screwing with me and my friends big time this round!

One of the things I've been struggling with is someone I know (and work with) has decided they hate me. Like-really HATE me. I've had to deal a couple of times with some inappropriate public outbursts (which, fortunately, were witnessed and deemed out-of-line immediately) and I basically have been keeping my distance in order to avoid more problems.

Last the report that she has determined I am being 'mean' to her and am 'trying to make her look stupid' and will be speaking to my boss. Seriously....I don't know when I took a trip back in time to go to high school, but this woman is at least around MY age! Being 'mean'? WTF???

The worst part of this is that I cannot address it with her. Why not, you ask? Not because I am afraid of confrontation (yeah, I know that you know that is not a problem I ever have) but because of my own beliefs. Two rules I try to follow are:  1-What other people think of me is none of my business and 2) I can't fix a problem unless you tell me what the problem is. So far, despite this information coming from a trusted friend, it would still be considered office gossip because she is not addressing me directly. I will not deal with that crap at all! If you have a problem with me, I expect you to be adult enough to come to me and tell me that you want to talk about it or at least tell me how you feel. Bare minimum expectation for people I deal with, especially when they are over age 40. My big concern is that she is trying to damage my professional reputation, which is something I won't tolerate. I have engaged the friend I spoke of, to report the issue to the boss and to arrange a 'mediation' of sorts to get this woman to sit down with me and the boss to work out whatever her issue is.

I have a suspicion....shall I tell you what I think her real malfunction is?

While I normally don't run into many people who are Out-of-the-Broom-Closet, it just so happens that this woman is also a Witch. I have always been out, but never 'advertised' the way she did. She's the kind who wears a gazillion crystals and pentacles around her neck, and will talk to everyone about the kinds of 'spells' she can cast on people, etc. The non-pagan folks around were always in shock and awe over her being out as a Witch. When I came around, I believe it was over a year before someone actually asked me a direct question about my religious practice. When I informed them I was a Witch, they were surprised because my conduct is significantly different than hers. They ask me questions and compare my answers to hers. They don't understand how we are so different when we are both Witches. I had to try to explain that to someone and using the various denominations of Christianity as an example. I also had to be VERY patient because it took awhile for it to sink in.

I suspect that she doesn't like not being the only Witch around. I suspect that I have stolen some of the thunder from her. I suspect many things, but her behavior toward me became more hostile when the folks I work with became aware that I was a Witch and would ask me questions. I suspect her path is more show than substance, and because of that, she resents me. It may not be the truth...she could hate my guts for another reason altogether, but.....I have a 'feeling'. If you know anything about me or read the articles I've written, you'll know that I trust my intuition. My gut tells me I am in the presence of a jealous witch and I'm not sure what lengths she'll go to in order to eliminate her competition. We're going to have to talk about her 'issue' with me sooner or later with the boss. I'm not scared of it, but it's not gonna be pretty.

And so friends...that's where I must leave you. The coffee is gone and it is time for me to go. Till next time, enjoy a cup of coffee with friends...and always be true to your own heart! Bright Blessings all!


  1. It's so funny the parallels in our lives. I, too remember the aunts and cousins coming over usually on a Saturday evening. A meal was put together and after dinner, they woukd break out the playing cards, the Annie Green Spring wine and put on the Al Green records. Those are some great memories

    I'm so sorry you have to deal with this high-school type bulls**t at work. Wouldn't it be great if everyone could just act like mature f**king adults?

    1. I would love it if I were in the presence of reasonable adults...but I'm not. *sigh* I love your memories, too! Yes-card games were also a large part of the family gatherings! My uncle Frank couldn't wait to shoo the kids away so that they could start playing Poker (for change). He would sit and smoke his cigar, wearing those massive coke-bottle glasses, and complain about everything while playing cards and yelling at his kids to bring him some more coffee! I miss those times...even that grumpy old man! Glad my memories could help some of your own bubble up! I love sharing!!


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