Sunday Coffee Klatsch!! Brew, Stew and new Links for everyone!!

Well friends...once again we come together to share a Sunday coffee klatch! I love these moments...and I only wish I could enjoy gatherings like this more often and in person with many of you.  I've been off of Facebook for about a week or so now (intentionally) due to increasing drama, stress and well, Mercury Retrograde. I decided to stay off as much as possible, which has given me a great deal more time to explore the rest of the web and make some new finds I'd love to share with you!

Anyway, let me start by first sharing the link for the Sunday Stew! There is a little post I wrote on one of my favorite spiritual philosophers and poets-Rumi. Kallan Kennedy's awesome and truly fantabulous blog The Secret Life of the American Witch! should really be considered as great spiritual teachings. The amount of wisdom shared by Kallan and all the chefs at the Stew is staggering and humbling. I consider it a primary learning tool and hope you will, too.  Go ahead and follow the link and see for yourself! It's okay, I'll refill my coffee cup while you go read and I'll be here when you get back...go ahead...really...go on!! Enjoy!!

What? You're back already? Oh, I see.....yes...the Sunday Stew so filling and it is definitely something to savor and enjoy. It takes time to snuggle down with and go through all the way with great relish. I often save it to enjoy with my evening,, oh hell, several cups of coffee later in the day!

So, what else is new? I did say this post was going to be about sharing some new links, didn't I?
I found another great blog called Sacred Circle by and awesome creative spirit named Lisa Rough.  Her blog is all about being Creative, Wild, and Positive Change. You can also follow Lisa on her Facebook page here at Lisa Rough.

When I found her blog, it was when I found an amazing poem by another fab artist, Hali Karla. You can see the post I fell in love with here: Moxie-by Hari Karla.  If you would like to look more at the art and inspirations of Hali Karla, you can go to her Facebook page at: Hali Karla Arts.

Another great website I came across was! The absolute Holy Grail of listings for Gods in just about every possible pantheon known to man! I can't say enough about their sense of humor, either...suffice it that I LOVE them! They are on Facebook, too-

Let's see, how many links is that? I think I've given you! Should I do a few more or just leave it at that? 7 is a good number, and Yemaya holds it sacred so if it's good enough for Mama, it's definitely good enough for me!

Enjoy your reading...more posts to come this week. Lots of ideas have been flying around my head...and there has definitely been magic afoot.... Oh- please be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think of the links I posted!! Bright Blessings, all!


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