Starting Here....Starting Now...Starting Again

Here we are, Monday morning, and once again I am bolstering my shields for a trip into the office. Sad that I feel I have to do that, but recent experience tells me I must. There are very few trusted individuals there with whom I feel like I can truly be myself. I am not alone when it comes to feeling this way. at my work place. I am not safe entirely being myself. Funny enough, it is not being a Witch that I must hide. I have been 'out of the broom closet' for many years. They accepted that easily enough, mostly out of curiosity and a desire to vicariously dabble on the Pagan side of life without the consequences of someone telling them they were going to Hell for it. What I have found I do have to hide, is my desire to improve myself and reach my goals. I am surrounded by people who accept the definitions and limitations others define for them. To me that is outrageous and abhorrent to my spirit, but for them, it is their mark of approval. I don't want someone telling me ...