
Showing posts from January, 2015

Friday Coffee Klatsch!!!

Good morning lovely people!!! Happy it's Friday, though I've really had a pretty good week... Of course I'm always happy for coffee which tastes even better when shared with friends! So grab your favorite mug and join me as we wake up together! I've been working very hard on not letting other people's negativity affect me. I don't often discuss my job (for many reasons) but the negativity there is off the charts! On the internet, many of the sites I visit are also teeming with miserable, grumpy, vitriolic individuals who seems to never have a positive word to say about anything or anyone. If Facebook alone could be quarantined, I imagine we could save the world from their ilk. However, we simply can't do that. We play the cards we're dealt and have to make the best of it. Tough for me....I have a reputation online and in real life as a straight shooter, lover of snark and all around BITCH! I'm not going to deny any of that...nor will I say that I'

The next big adventure!

Good Morning and Happy New Year to all my Childfree by Choice friends! Welcome to the first installment of the Childfree Moxie blog for 2015! I'm so excited because this year is promising to be one great big adventure and I am so looking forward to it!! I haven't been around Thanksgiving because I was taking some online classes to FINALLY finish up my Bachelor's degree after a 20 year absence. nearly 50 years old, I had the right combination  enough money, time, and a supportive partner to get through it. There were many times I wanted to give it up and quit again...but thanks to friends and family and my own stubbornness, I made it through. I just finished my last final exam yesterday, so here I am....footloose, fancy free and ready to take on the New Year! For the final project for one class, we had to write a thesis paper. (Seriously? For undergrad work?) The topic of my research paper was the Socioeconomic Status of Childfree by Choice People. While I can say I

Monday Moxie! The Space Between...

Sometimes, being on my spiritual path feels like I'm gingerly walking down a worn little trail in the deep, primeval forest. Other times, it feels like I'm skipping down the Yellow Brick Road as I journey to Oz. Most of the time, it feels like a dark hallway that has little to no light and I have to feel my way through slowly to reach the door at the other end. It is on the latter road that I feel I have been on for the past couple of years. I am in that long, dark hallway....the empty room...the road with no seeming end. I am floating in that space between what has been and what I can (sort of) see coming in the distance. I can hear you saying, 'Don't you mean the Present?'   No, smartass, I don't...but thanks for playing along! What I'm speaking of is that small place that we don't pay enough attention to...the transition spot...the turntable at the rail yard....hovering in that place in between the here-and-now and my next direction... These 'wait

Monday Moxie!

Why do we fight to avoid endings? Why do we fear beginnings? When something ends, there is room for something new to grow! But, if nothing changes then NOTHING changes... I remember feeling I was sitting inside a box and I could just FEEL the world outside. I was too afraid to move....but I didn't want to stay. I had reached the end of my comfort zone. We have many 'comfort zones'....our job, our friends, our family....things that are predictable and even if they don't make us happy, the constancy makes us feel safe... At what cost? Somewhere deep in my Spirit, I heard a voice screaming for change. So bored, so tired, so ready for something to let me feel happy, alive and challenged!  Fear is a liar, and so, I believed that if I changed anything in my life, it meant changing EVERYTHING and that was way too scary to do. However, like I said, Fear is a liar... I changed one little thing, every week. Something that I didn't think anyone else would notice

Ready, Steady....GO!

Bright Blessings and a very Happy New Year to you all!  Welcome back to the 2015 edition of Mid-Stride excited that you've joined me for another bout of my mid-life meandering! Let's get started....please, grab a cuppa your favorite beverage (still coffee, here!) and let's chat!! If you've checked out the last blog post, you'll know that I've had a LOT of changes going on. I'm taking two online classes and hope to be finished at the end of January. It has been ridiculously challenging for me as I haven't taken any kind of classes like this in about 20 years. I've learned a few things, though, and I will say that this experience kicked me square in my comfort zone. OUCH!! Besides that, I've also been going through some extreme dental work. I have a pretty serious phobia but since I've been out of my comfort zone, I've tackled that as well. At the moment, I am missing two of my upper front teeth (no, you can't see!) and shoul