Monday Moxie!

Why do we fight to avoid endings? Why do we fear beginnings? When something ends, there is room for something new to grow! But, if nothing changes then NOTHING changes...

I remember feeling I was sitting inside a box and I could just FEEL the world outside.
I was too afraid to move....but I didn't want to stay. I had reached the end of my comfort zone.

We have many 'comfort zones'....our job, our friends, our family....things that are predictable and even if they don't make us happy, the constancy makes us feel safe...

At what cost?

Somewhere deep in my Spirit, I heard a voice screaming for change. So bored, so tired, so ready for something to let me feel happy, alive and challenged!  Fear is a liar, and so, I believed that if I changed anything in my life, it meant changing EVERYTHING and that was way too scary to do. However, like I said, Fear is a liar...

I changed one little thing, every week. Something that I didn't think anyone else would notice but I knew it was different. Different creamer in my coffee....wearing my hear down instead of up....taking a different route to work...trying a new fruit or a book I never would have read before...feel new textures...savor a new flavor...smell flowers....absorb new colors...

Spiritual paths opened up before me....doors that held wonder and magick flew open and there were more and more things to seek, explore, and find... There are always new adventures.

One little thing....change one little thing. You can always change it back but try. Feel the energy shift around you and in you by daring to change one little thing. Move that stapler to the other side of the desk...try that coffee you heard someone else order that sounded tasty...go down that road you pass all the time and wonder where it leads....wander through a store you've never shopped at and see what they have (no buying required) a book that is not your normal fare.... in the magick of the Universe and follow where it leads you....just see what happens....your world will start a teeny, tiny paths will open up to you...and you're ready for it. You can feel's time for something new to start. It already has...

"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." -Hericlitus


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