The next big adventure!

Good Morning and Happy New Year to all my Childfree by Choice friends! Welcome to the first installment of the Childfree Moxie blog for 2015! I'm so excited because this year is promising to be one great big adventure and I am so looking forward to it!!

I haven't been around Thanksgiving because I was taking some online classes to FINALLY finish up my Bachelor's degree after a 20 year absence. nearly 50 years old, I had the right combination  enough money, time, and a supportive partner to get through it. There were many times I wanted to give it up and quit again...but thanks to friends and family and my own stubbornness, I made it through. I just finished my last final exam yesterday, so here I am....footloose, fancy free and ready to take on the New Year!

For the final project for one class, we had to write a thesis paper. (Seriously? For undergrad work?)
The topic of my research paper was the Socioeconomic Status of Childfree by Choice People. While I can say I hated most of the work involved with putting that monster together, I can say that I did find some interesting resources that I'll be sharing here for you. There is more information out there now on the Childfree by Choice population than ever before! Some of the studies were really quite simple, some quite stupid, and others were pretty freakin' brilliant!

So, here are a few (free!) book recommendations for you to check out:

Childfree and Loving It!
This is a free, pdf version of Nicki DeLago's 2005 book. The cover photo is probably one of the most recognizable images in use currently for Childfree by Choice crowd. The author states she is Childfree, but also that she is not part of any Childfree group or movement. Lots of stories of folks and why they chose to be Childfree. Overall, I felt the sense of the value of personal freedom. Well worth the read!

The Baby Matrix
This is also a free pdf of Laura Carroll's 2012 book and it was very useful in my research for my thesis paper. For those not familiar with the term, 'pronatalism', Ms Carroll will surely break it down for you. Here she explores the numerous way our 'pro-natal' or 'pro-baby' society is the central focus of our society and how it impacts the available choices we can make in our lives. Ms. Carroll is also the author of another book worth reading titled, Families of Two.

Time Magazine-The Childfree Life
For those who initially missed out on the Time Magazine article that started a firestorm of protest at the Childfree by Choice movement, I managed to find a little pdf file with the article! (Bless the person who loaded it!). I knew what all the fuss was generally about, but didn't get a chance to read it for myself, and am far too cheap to pay for it, so was thrilled to find that someone helped me read it for free! Here's your chance to do the same!

So, as I said, this year is off with a BANG! Looking forward to sharing more about my research and any little adventures on my fabulous Childfree life! If any of you have questions, comments, ideas for topics you'd like me to cover, just let me know! Till the next time....enjoy your Childfree life!!


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