Ready, Steady....GO!

Bright Blessings and a very Happy New Year to you all! 
Welcome back to the 2015 edition of Mid-Stride excited that you've joined me for another bout of my mid-life meandering! Let's get started....please, grab a cuppa your favorite beverage (still coffee, here!) and let's chat!!

If you've checked out the last blog post, you'll know that I've had a LOT of changes going on. I'm taking two online classes and hope to be finished at the end of January. It has been ridiculously challenging for me as I haven't taken any kind of classes like this in about 20 years. I've learned a few things, though, and I will say that this experience kicked me square in my comfort zone. OUCH!!

Besides that, I've also been going through some extreme dental work. I have a pretty serious phobia but since I've been out of my comfort zone, I've tackled that as well. At the moment, I am missing two of my upper front teeth (no, you can't see!) and should be getting fitted for my partial dentures next week. I've not been trouble by the vanity aspect of this experience too much, but repeatedly facing my dentophobia has definitely roughed me up a bit. I feel after this, I can handle pretty much anything!
I got a wonderful 2015 Tarot reading from Carolina Gonzalez of  Camino de Yara. She is a wonderful Spiritual Worker, Artist, and creator of ritual supplies. She has been a mentor to me in the last year as I have been trying to learn more about Yemaya and the spiritual path I am soon to be walking. Please, follow the links I provided for you and do learn about Carolina and her spiritual practices. She is generous with her knowledge and I know you will love her energy! The card you see above, is from the Orisha Tarot. It was the first card drawn in my forecast reading for 2015. I feel so excited that this card signifies many blessings will be coming my way and that in all ways-mind, body, spirit...for myself, my spirit guardians, friends and family-the name of the game for 2015 is LOVE. Give love, express love, share love, receive, love, LOVE! What a wonderful message to receive when starting out the New Year! 

Once I get past the stressors of school and the dentist, then the real fun begins....
I have had numerous wet-blankets try to steal the excitement of this decision from me. NO WAY! I've come to realize that the people who say negative things are reacting from a place of jealousy and insecurity. Why do people feel there is finite joy in the world? Be happy for us! Our joy allows us to share that feeling with the rest of the world. The negative responses don't make me angry, they make me sad for them and more determined to go forward. I'll happily help others identify what they want to do which would make them happy, but no one is going to change my mind on this one! Hubby and I decided that while we are still young and healthy enough to enjoy it, we are going to move to the Southern California Coast. We want/need to be near the ocean in order to decrease our stress and increase our joy. 2015 is the year that it's gonna happen!

Am I nervous? You bet! I've never lived anywhere but New Jersey my entire life! My darling hubby is a former Marine, so he's lived all over the world! We're returning to his home state, but as he used to live in the desert, this is a big (and very welcome) change for him, too! Just the two of us and a couple of cats, looking for a little apartment we can call home by the California shore....

It's not a New Year's resolution, as I've been working on it a bit at a time for over a year now, but I am working hard and being mindful of 'happiness'. I've spent a lifetime working with people who are depressed, angry, negative, manipulative, deceitful, jealous, insecure, etc.....and they contribute little joy to the world. When I'm around them, I notice that if I'm not careful, I can allow them to suck the energy and happiness out of me quickly, till I sound bitter and broken like they do.
That is NOT how I want my life to be! I am so grateful that I have loving friends and a supportive husband....Life is GOOD! I have so much to look forward to that I am making a more conscious effort to not pay attention to the negative and try to focus on the positive in my life...

Will I do it perfectly? Hell no....but I'm gonna work on it. Already I've noticed a change in my life and the future is looking brighter! Have you turned a corner in your life? Is there something you know needs to change? Are you focusing on the good stuff in your life and going after the dream life you want? There are so many people who act as if I am doing them a disservice by pursuing what I want to do. There are many people out there who will ruin your day....stomp on your dream....put down what you enjoy....try to make you feel stupid for wanting something else....
Leave them...don't listen....block your ears and block their energy. These people steal willpower and they steal your life energy. Turn your back on them and take back your dreams...

I'm doing can you! Tackling the ability to have my dream comes in bite size pieces, one step at a time, a little bit every single day. No kidding....I do something toward our goal to move to California Research, inquiries, pricing, etc.....every day. Imagine what you can do if you just take action and stop being afraid. 
Your dreams are out there, waiting for YOU....


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