Friday Coffee Klatsch!!!

Good morning lovely people!!! Happy it's Friday, though I've really had a pretty good week...
Of course I'm always happy for coffee which tastes even better when shared with friends! So grab your favorite mug and join me as we wake up together!

I've been working very hard on not letting other people's negativity affect me. I don't often discuss my job (for many reasons) but the negativity there is off the charts! On the internet, many of the sites I visit are also teeming with miserable, grumpy, vitriolic individuals who seems to never have a positive word to say about anything or anyone. If Facebook alone could be quarantined, I imagine we could save the world from their ilk.

However, we simply can't do that. We play the cards we're dealt and have to make the best of it. Tough for me....I have a reputation online and in real life as a straight shooter, lover of snark and all around BITCH! I'm not going to deny any of that...nor will I say that I'm in 'recovery' from it because it is part of who I am. I reserve the right to go from serenity to Jersey attitude whenever I feel the need to do apologies about that! But seriously....every day? It's exhausting and I don't even want to listen to those people anymore. But what do you do when you can't get away from them? You can ignore them....distract yourself....change the conversation....or simply leave the conversation. Most people online try to do the latter, then go back to see what was said in their absence.....DUH..... How is that making your life any different or better?
Good long as we are breathing, we never run out of opportunities to make things a little different. For me, I try little things which, may not change the people, but can change the circumstances. For example-A group I belong to on Facebook is full of people who are supposed to be there in support of one cause, but spend more time talking about the negatives. There is no joy, no celebration, no encouragement....just whining, complaining, bitching and moaning about the same stuff. I could easily have left the group, but for me, I needed to do something else. I introduced a topic and asked people what they felt joy and were happy about.

There it was....the break that I and apparently quite a few people needed. It was, as my mother would say, like opening a window and blowing the stink out! Ha! The cyber air was becoming toxic and just introducing a little reminder of positive things allowed people to come forward to share their positive stories. It felt good...even when some more negative people just HAD to come in and dump in between the good still felt good. A ripple in the pond...

Will it fix everything? No, of course not. Will it change anything? Yes, it will. You may not see the results of it in others, but just trying to be more positive will certainly change you! I've started to interject more with people. Share more positive, not join in the complainers circle or jump in the scuttlebutt by the water cooler. Eyes forward....focus on what I can change....and go! My week has been infinitely better, despite attempts to sabotage. I can easily get I said earlier, I have a reputation and it's because I earned it. But am I here only to fulfill the expectations of others who are insecure, needy and negative or am I trying to fulfill my own purpose in life? Yup, you know the answer to that one!

Well, my coffee is gone (sob!) so I need to get moving and get to work. Thanks for sharing part of your day with me. As always friends, I welcome your feedback and thank you for your time! Hope your day brings you a welcomed surprise!


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