Monday Moxie! The Space Between...

Sometimes, being on my spiritual path feels like I'm gingerly walking down a worn little trail in the deep, primeval forest. Other times, it feels like I'm skipping down the Yellow Brick Road as I journey to Oz. Most of the time, it feels like a dark hallway that has little to no light and I have to feel my way through slowly to reach the door at the other end. It is on the latter road that I feel I have been on for the past couple of years.

I am in that long, dark hallway....the empty room...the road with no seeming end. I am floating in that space between what has been and what I can (sort of) see coming in the distance. I can hear you saying, 'Don't you mean the Present?'   No, smartass, I don't...but thanks for playing along! What I'm speaking of is that small place that we don't pay enough attention to...the transition spot...the turntable at the rail yard....hovering in that place in between the here-and-now and my next direction...

These 'waiting' moments are when I feel like I am tested on my journey. I'm ready to go but I am still in that in-between spot....not quite pointed in the right direction, not quite lined up. To try to jump ahead (and I have tried...) would put me off line and not where I need to be headed. To borrow more locomotive terminology, I end up like a train jumping the tracks and crash. More than once I've been dragged back to start and have to learn that lesson over again. I've come to respect that in-between period and listen to my intuition about when it is 'truly' time to move forward. 

During this transition phase, people who rejected or hurt me before make an appearance in my life. People who had been long gone (and for good reason) tug at some dusty heart string and remind me of sad and painful memories. Situations I thought I had resolved rear up and attempt repeat performances. I feel trapped, yet I know I'm not. I move slowly....guided in the direction toward my next journey...and the rest of it is just one big distraction. People who are gone, need to stay gone. Situations I resolved once, I am capable of reaffirming. This time on the turntable is my preparation time. Clearing, de-cluttering, and cleansing my body, mind, spirit and environment. To be ready to move forward, I can not carry the baggage of people, places and things from the past. If I must (and I usually do), I take a good long look, remember what these people and things added or took from my life. I remember that lesson...and then turn and face front...eyes forward...

The energy buzzes and hums the closer I get to the next direction I'm guided to. I trust my Spirit Guides, and though they went 'radio silent' on me for a time last year, they never abandoned me. My focus needed to be in one direction, and their vibrations would have seriously prevented me from focusing on the subject at hand. Now, it's time to move forward. I'm almost at that point on the table where I will hear and feel the 'click' as I lock into place and the direction I'll be moving into. I know that feeling and I trust that place. BUT...I'm not in a hurry.

The space between where we are and where we're going is WHO WE ARE. I'm not afraid of that anymore because I've done much inner work and I have made peace with the light and darker parts of my spirit. The space between is like a dark hallway in an old movies. What people are frightened of is not of what they can't see, but of what they MIGHT see. Don't be's just you...


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