Taste the Rainbow...

I listen to the news...observe the entertainment media's feeding frenzy. I listen to and read comments from various blogs and other sources....I cringe at the vitriol...the ignorance...the fear....and some of it from people I never, ever expected it from.  So, just to say it....just to put it out there....here is where I stand. There is much I don't know but I'm willing to learn...and to understand. I'm not perfect, but no one is. My heart is open and I extend my hand in friendship to anyone who can love, respect, laugh, cry, and support each other.... I have no time for ignorance or hate.... So here I am...this is what I believe...this is what I feel...

I could never tolerate a bully....

Education conquers fear....not blind hatred...

How can you only fight for what matters to you at someone else's expense?

Any perfect people out there? Didn't think so...

If we are all happy, we all win...

Always have been...and it's surprised many gay folks, too...

We all could benefit by refusing to hate...

Me....all day, every day...

I'm here....help me to understand...let me be an ally or even a friend...

Any questions....?


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