
Showing posts from January, 2014

A Witches Wardrobe...

Hearing all the hubbub about the Katy Perry-Dark Horse performance has left me shaking my head. I don't care if you're a KP fan. She is a well-liked and talented pop star. But her 'costume' for one performance has led to a slew of comments that astound me. Mainly, the comments from some Pagan folks who exclaim that the entire performance was so 'Witchy'.... Some loved it, some hated it. Some claimed that KP's performance continued to perpetuate negative stereotypes about witches and was disrespectful to act out what could be perceived as a scene about 'The Burning Times' for the sake of the fame and fortune it would bring her. Others thought it was a wonderful song, a daring performance, with beautiful and sensual costumes and striking scenery. Many felt that it was a glamorous show that they enjoyed and wish they themselves would have been a part of. This also spawned more conversations about how witches have been portrayed in the media. The most re

From Discord to Harmony-Spring Cleaning at Imbolc

This is the complete article I contributed for this week's Sunday Stew at Kallan Kennedy's  Secret Life of the American Witch!  As always, I am so honored to be part of it, and I recommend you follow the link and read all the articles from the wise and wonderful Sunday Stew Chefs... “Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein Sweep away the cobwebs…shake off the dust…clear out the clutter! Imbolc is nearly here and that means Spring Cleaning! My pre-Imbolc Spring Cleaning usually takes about a week. I actually am quite a packrat so this is a process that goes on all year for me. However, the week before Imbolc is special, as it usually is a day that is symbolic of initiation and dedication. I was initiated on Imbolc, so this day has special spiritual significance for me. The week before, I commit myself to special cleansing activities that will help me clear the way a little better as I move down

To the Sunday Stew...!

Good Morning my friends! It's another glorious day and Kallan Kennedy is serving up an extremely delicious Sunday Stew over at her blog, The Secret Life of the American Witch!  I've contributed an article for the Stew, but I won't post it here. Instead I will encourage you all to follow the link and see it there in its entirety. While there, I encourage you to read all of the amazing articles provided by the other Chefs...wonderful, creative, inspiring, tasty and magickal!  These are the folks who inspire me along my spiritual path, and I trust they can and will do the same for you! As always, your feedback is always welcome. If there is a topic for future blogs that you would like to see me cover here at Mid-Stride Moxie, please let me know! 2014 is shaping up to be a busy year here and I'm so excited to share it with you all!. Bright Blessings my friends!! On to the Sunday Stew!! The Secret Life of the American Witch!

Mental Meandering...

Hello my friends! It's been awhile since I've actually taken the time to just have a little 'brain drain' seems like a wonderful day to do it. It is warm, gray and gloomy and it has been raining off and on all day here in Southern NJ. Hubby is down for another nap and I have just returned from running a few errands. Really exciting thus far, eh?  I know, I know...but I have told you before that I live the life of a middle aged woman...and sometimes our lives just don't measure up to the Lifetime Movie of the Week standards that some impose on us. That's okay...I shall ramble on...continue reading at your own risk... I did manage to finally get a new laptop! It's a Dell Inspiron with a 15.6" touchscreen, 4GB memory and a 500GB hard drive. I have been dealing with a little Toshiba netbook for the past few years which the hubby got me as a Christmas present. It was perfect for what I needed to do then, but...well, I've outgrown it. I couldn'

Begin the Beguine...

Greetings friends! This is another contribution to the fabulous Sunday Stew over at Kallan Kennedy's  The Secret Life of the American Witch!  As always, there are some wonderful chefs there who I consider so  knowledgeable  on a variety of topics related to Paganism that I highly recommend you take some time to read it over. It is nourishing for body, mind and spirit! I just had to include it lifts my spirits up whenever I see it! My introduction to the ‘Beguine’ was a fabulous tap dancing number with Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powell from the musical ‘Broadway Melody of 1940’. This couple danced to a song written by the incredible Cole Porter, and arranged in a swing style by the fabulous Artie Shaw. I love that song, but had no clue what a spiritual definition of a ‘Beguine’ actually was until recently.  Admittedly, what brought me to this particular topic was not the search for communities of women living spiritual lives of Christian mysticism. I was searching for guidan

My Mid-Stride Soundtrack-Vol. 3: The Sun Rises...

2014 has arrived and with it, opportunities to make some changes. I have had a long and difficult journey this past year. The last volume of the Soundtrack was dedicated to the memory of my mother as I approached the first anniversary of her passing. Since that time, my Dad has passed as well and my life just seemed to become more dark, cold and cloudy. I have feuded with my siblings, adjusted to new work environments, and just kept going...often on autopilot. Grieving, moving, living....supported by the love and steadfast support of my beloved husband, Sean and my darling and devoted friends. With the passage of time, the weight is beginning to lift off my shoulders, and the sun is starting to shine again. I'm seeing a brighter horizon for the first time in a long time and am now looking to the future. I've learned a bit more about myself and what I am able to handle. And now...for the first time in nearly my entire adult life, I can think about what *I* want to do. I can go f