Begin the Beguine...

Greetings friends! This is another contribution to the fabulous Sunday Stew over at Kallan Kennedy's The Secret Life of the American Witch! As always, there are some wonderful chefs there who I consider so knowledgeable on a variety of topics related to Paganism that I highly recommend you take some time to read it over. It is nourishing for body, mind and spirit!

I just had to include it lifts my spirits up whenever I see it!

My introduction to the ‘Beguine’ was a fabulous tap dancing number with Fred Astaire and Eleanor Powell from the musical ‘Broadway Melody of 1940’. This couple danced to a song written by the incredible Cole Porter, and arranged in a swing style by the fabulous Artie Shaw. I love that song, but had no clue what a spiritual definition of a ‘Beguine’ actually was until recently.  Admittedly, what brought me to this particular topic was not the search for communities of women living spiritual lives of Christian mysticism. I was searching for guidance and inspiration on how to shape and form my spiritual goals for the coming year. The song which came whispering in my mind over and over was ‘Begin the Beguine’...and so began my search. I have found more inspiration for me from learning about the real Beguines.

Statue in Northern European town of a Beguine.
Beguines were single, Christian women who lived around the 13-16th centuries in semi-monastic communities of their own formation, influenced by the Franciscans. They lived lives of religious devotion in self-governing communities and were not under the jurisdiction or guardianship of male clergy. These lay women lived independently in these orders, but did not take permanent vows as nuns did. They were free to own property, get married, and have children.  Beguines were an example of a ‘middle road’-women living devoted, spiritual lives…halfway between the common people and the solitary isolation of convent nuns. The only requirement was to do ‘good works’ while with the Beguines, and devote their lives to chastity and charity.  The women were very often widows and would come to live their lives in religious and spiritual devotion amongst their like-minded sisters.

“Love flows from God to man without effort.  As a bird glides through the air without moving its wings—thus they go whithersoever they will. United in body and soul, yet in their form, separate—“ –Mechthild of Magdeburg

Okay….so anyone wondering why the Witch is so fascinated with Christian pseudo-nuns? First and foremost, I am always in awe of women throughout history who chose their own spiritual paths, despite the obstacles against them. These women had more in common with Witches and Pagans of our understanding than you know. They explored mysticism as part of their spiritual paths and chose to define their own spiritual practices through direct relationships with Deity.  This freedom for women to determine the course of their lives without the permission of men was not received well by some. Their commitment to their own spiritual path and lifestyle was perceived as a threat to the rule of the church and royal power. The Beguines believed that individuals had a direct connection to the Divine through their soul love and therefore needed no other intermediary. The time of the Beguines came during what we know of as the Inquisition. Some of the Beguines were tortured, imprisoned, condemned and burned at the stake by the Catholic Church for their refusal to denounce mysticism and their way of life. Eventually the Beguines became scattered and their numbers decreased over time.

“Men try to dissuade me from everything Love bids me do. They don’t understand it, and I can’t explain it to them. I must live out what I am.” –Hadewijch of Antwerp

img of  Beguine-Marguerite Porete being burned at the stake for heresy. 

The Beguines sought to find a way to create meaning and purpose by leading spiritual lives with like-minded women without forsaking their own autonomy. They shared common goals and aspirations with their sisters and were able to embark on a life of spiritual devotion that filled the void in their lives. Contrary to the dogma of the church, they did not believe that women had a lesser role in life. Beguines utilized feminine energy as they prayed, studied, wrote poetry, meditated, engaged in manual labor and craft work every day in the name of soul Love.

I am not seeking salvation, nor am I considering a return to the Catholic church (that ship has sunk). Why I feel I was guided explore the Beguines is because on my path, I have grown and become more enlightened due to the connections with my spiritual family and of learning more from spiritual beings who lived openly and committedly in accordance with their spiritual beliefs.  Moving forward in 2014, I need to connect more with my like-minded sisters and brothers in order to grow and develop as a magickal and spiritual being. It was a great joy in 2013 to meet so many wonderful and spiritual people through my internet connections. I have been inspired to learn, grow, reflect with humility, dare and question elders and those in ‘authority’ and challenge the confines of my spiritual comfort  zone. I have moved beyond fear, doubt, and pain of loss and along the way I have found friendship, encouragement, knowledge and love. Above all, it is LOVE which has nurtured and sustained my soul through many dark days and nights. Love was the first true commandment for the Beguines and I understand that…for nothing is more powerful than Love.

Here is an excerpt from a book titled “The Mirror of Simple Souls”.The author is a Beguine named Marguerite Porote, who was condemned for heresy and burned at the stake on June 1, 1310. This poem is about Truth speaking to Soul. I hope you can hear the whisperings of your soul and find where your next spiritual journey will lead you in 2014.

"O emerald and precious gem, True diamond, queen and empress, You give everything from your fine nobility, Without asking from Love her riches, Except the willing of her diving pleasure. Thus is this right by righteousness, For it is the true path of Fine Love, whoever wishes to remain on it. O deepest spring and fountain sealed, Where the sun is subtly hidden, You send your rays, says Truth, through divine knowledge; We know it through true Wisdom: Her splendor makes us completely luminous."


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