A Witches Wardrobe...

Hearing all the hubbub about the Katy Perry-Dark Horse performance has left me shaking my head.
I don't care if you're a KP fan. She is a well-liked and talented pop star. But her 'costume' for one performance has led to a slew of comments that astound me. Mainly, the comments from some Pagan folks who exclaim that the entire performance was so 'Witchy'....

Some loved it, some hated it. Some claimed that KP's performance continued to perpetuate negative stereotypes about witches and was disrespectful to act out what could be perceived as a scene about 'The Burning Times' for the sake of the fame and fortune it would bring her. Others thought it was a wonderful song, a daring performance, with beautiful and sensual costumes and striking scenery. Many felt that it was a glamorous show that they enjoyed and wish they themselves would have been a part of.

This also spawned more conversations about how witches have been portrayed in the media. The most recent example would be 'American Horror Story-Coven'. More controversy swarms around how that particular show has chosen to portray some actual and fictional witches-including some who are much beloved historical figures. Of course, the addition of another pop music star, Stevie Nicks, has increased the buzz for years of wondering if she is a 'witch' and has been deemed so because of her 'witchy' appearance. Or, as one Facebook post read, 'if you saw her live, you just knew...'

All of this conversation, between Pagans and non-Pagans; fans and non-fans; discussing the pros and cons of a performance that over and over in the media has been described as 'witchy'. Why? KP has not come out as a Pagan or Witch or whatever-which is her business whether she is, isn't; does or doesn't. Stevie Nicks has also not directly come out of the broom closet (to my knowledge, I could be wrong) to proclaim her allegiance to any particular Witchy path...

Is this the sporting event for Pagans? Are we going really going to make this our Superbowl? We need our pop stars to declare what team they are on and then we can take sides? We want to pick out what kind of uniform they wear when they join 'our' team?  I love flowing gowns, colorful robes, and yes-even an occasional pointed hat. I also like well-worn jeans, a comfortable hoodie-which is what I wore yesterday. I've worn both outfits (not at the same time) and neither one defined  how 'Witchy' I was.

Clothing does not make the Witch. It is simply and outward expression of the person within....or not. Shall we so quickly forget our Pagan and Witchy brothers? Some may dress like KP during her performance, but not all do...and so, are male 'witches' any less 'Witchy' than the females for their lack of high-heeled shoes, flowing chiffon skirts and see-through tops? I love pretty clothes, but I'm still a Witch in my sweatpants as much as in a long skirt...

Try not to confuse the issues. KP is a performer and we don't even know if the subject for that particular song was even her idea. It was put on for the purpose of entertainment. I have yet to see any particular public relation statements that KP was using that performance as a means of speaking out for all the witches around the world that were burned at the stake. And that is because it was an entertaining Grammy performance, and that is just fine.

If you want to define 'witchy' by appearance, go look in a mirror. But know that this is no different than stereotyping and identifying homosexuals for being who they are by the way they dress. Are we still so deep in the closet that we define our reality by what other people are essentially calling a 'costume'? Is the Pagan community still so unsure of its own identity that we have to argue and claim ownership over a pop star's appearance to help define who we are? If it truly is inaccurate and offensive-who is taking offense, and who is speaking out? Is what we see really who we are? Clothing can be a coat, uniform, pajamas, costume, suit, straight jacket, etc...and none of it defines the Witch within. That is up to you...


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