From Discord to Harmony-Spring Cleaning at Imbolc

This is the complete article I contributed for this week's Sunday Stew at Kallan Kennedy's Secret Life of the American Witch! As always, I am so honored to be part of it, and I recommend you follow the link and read all the articles from the wise and wonderful Sunday Stew Chefs...

“Out of clutter, find simplicity. From discord, find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein

Sweep away the cobwebs…shake off the dust…clear out the clutter! Imbolc is nearly here and that means Spring Cleaning! My pre-Imbolc Spring Cleaning usually takes about a week. I actually am quite a packrat so this is a process that goes on all year for me. However, the week before Imbolc is special, as it usually is a day that is symbolic of initiation and dedication. I was initiated on Imbolc, so this day has special spiritual significance for me. The week before, I commit myself to special cleansing activities that will help me clear the way a little better as I move down my spiritual path.  We need to cleanse ourselves and our homes of all the old, stagnant energy that will not be supporting us as we move forward. Here is my suggestion for a 7-day Spring Cleaning for your body, mind, spirit and home:

Day 1- Cleansing of the hearth.  ‘The kitchen is the heart of the home.’ The space that we often spend so much time in needs special attention. It is time to reorganize your counters and clear out those pantries. How about finally getting a good look at what has been languishing in the back of the fridge and freezer? Look at what you have and take inventory.  Are there non-perishable items that you can donate to a local food pantry? Are your spices in need of replenishing? What is just surprisingly well past the expiration date that needs to be thrown away? Scrub away the grease and grime you have been meaning to get to on the windows and in all the other little out of the way spots you never quite get around to cleaning.  One day dedicated to the area which provides nourishment for our bodies and spirits is a good way to get started. Make it sparkle and shine and smell fresh and clean.

Day 2- Cleansing of the closets. Oh yes, this is a big one for me. One of my favorite professional organizers, Peter Walsh, suggests that you sort through lower third of closets to see what you aren’t using and get rid of it. For me it’s true…the back third of my hanging clothes, the lower third of my shelves, and the back third of my dresser.  There are plenty of clothes there that I simply do not wear. On this day, they will all get bagged up and will be sent off to Goodwill. I don’t want to….but it is essential, because all these clothes I don’t wear are blocking any positive energy I have when I look at them and how much room they are taking up. Someone else can make better use of it than me…I just need to let it go…

Day 3- Cleansing of the library/workspace. I know a wonderful craftswoman who, once a year near Imbolc, does a purge on her craft supplies. If it isn’t slated for a specific project she has on a list, she gathers it up and puts it in a care package and sells it. This is also a time she looks through her paints and sees what may need to be tossed and replaced.  Another friend has been selective in going through their books. Once a year (minimum) he looks at what he has and pulls out books, catalogs and magazines he got that aren’t really ‘keepers’. They either get sold online, at used bookstores for trade, or donated to local libraries or senior centers. As an avid reader, I know this can be painful for some of us. But focusing on keeping those craft items that we most use and books we most want to keep, means we surround ourselves with positive energy for inspiration and not just background noise.

Day 4- Cleansing of the mind and spirit. Sit still…breathe…let your thoughts flow freely. What has been crowding your mind? What thoughts have been holding you back from moving forward or enjoying your days? Take a journal and write it all down. Do NOT censor yourself. Anger, hurt, sadness, fear, etc…let any of the negative thoughts and feelings leave the confines of your mind and get them down on paper. Breathe. Nothing is off limits to put down. You are purging the junk in your mind and spirit. Breathe. Tear the paper up. Burn it if you want. Throw it away. Flush it down the toilet. Let it go…

Day 5- Cleansing of the body. This one is simple…wash your body…just bathe. Water is the great healer. It washes away the negative energies that have collected on your body…weighing you down.  You can use essential oils to aid in this. Lavender is always wonderful, but I prefer the uplifting scent of Lemongrass. Use whatever you want. Do this with a bowl and a cloth, jump in the shower, step into a hot, steamy bath…but first clear your mind and set your intention for your ritual cleansing of your body. Close your eyes and imagine the negative gunk has covered you from head to toe like a dark film. Lather, rinse, repeat as needed…till you clear away the dreck and feel cleansed and renewed.

Day 6- Cleansing of the dreaming space. Many people neglect this space when doing purifications and cleansing…they kind of skip over it. For an Imbolc cleansing, I recommend giving special attention to this room. Change the sheets…rearrange the furniture…flip the mattress…dust…open the windows.  Wash or replace your pillows. Where your head rests during dreaming time contains the all the residual energy, fears, hopes, dreams, anxieties, etc of the past year. That special place needs a special cleansing and your sleep will be all the better for it. Releasing that energy will also clear the way for dreams and new visions to come to you for the New Year.

Day 7- Cleansing of sacred space. I haven’t had much space at home for a small altar for many years. This year, I have a little area in my bedroom which is going to be set up for a small personal altar. If you have a home altar…it is time to dismantle it and release the energies that you infused in it during 2013. This is the time to purify and cleanse your ritual tools if you use them. Change the altar cloth, clear away the melted wax and dried herbs and flowers, dust the ashes, etc. If there are crystals you use as offerings then cleanse them in salt. You can release assorted altar offerings by burying them or simply tossing them. On Imbolc, rededicate your altar to its purpose. Whether for meditation, a visual daily reminder to give you focus each day, something pretty to brighten your space, a place for prayer and guidance, your sacred space needs special treatment because it serves as your daily inspiration. As you celebrate this Imbolc, let the sacred space you set up be the starting point from which all your true magick begins each day.

As the saying goes, ‘Out with the old…In with the new!’ I wish you Bright Beginnings this Imbolc!


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