Mental Meandering...

Hello my friends!

It's been awhile since I've actually taken the time to just have a little 'brain drain' seems like a wonderful day to do it. It is warm, gray and gloomy and it has been raining off and on all day here in Southern NJ. Hubby is down for another nap and I have just returned from running a few errands.
Really exciting thus far, eh?  I know, I know...but I have told you before that I live the life of a middle aged woman...and sometimes our lives just don't measure up to the Lifetime Movie of the Week standards that some impose on us. That's okay...I shall ramble on...continue reading at your own risk...

I did manage to finally get a new laptop! It's a Dell Inspiron with a 15.6" touchscreen, 4GB memory and a 500GB hard drive. I have been dealing with a little Toshiba netbook for the past few years which the hubby got me as a Christmas present. It was perfect for what I needed to do then, but...well, I've outgrown it. I couldn't afford to spend a lot to get a new laptop, but I think I did okay with this one. The only drawback at the moment is that I don't have wireless internet at home...DOH! There are no open wifi signals around here (especially not in this weather) so I will have to get the wireless router next. But, it's gonna be nice to be able to do some serious writing when I'm out and about and know that this laptop can keep up.
Brain Drain....but pretty!!

What else is doing the Ty-D-Bowl swirl in my head?  Sean and I have also talked about moving out of state. Moving to the Jersey shore would be awesome, but after witnessing what damage was done by Hurricane Sandy, Sean is reluctant. It also puts a bit of a crimp in the thought of moving anywhere along the East Coast, as hurricanes have their own season on this side of the world! Initially I had thought of North Carolina, but they get hit pretty bad. So, then I thought that maybe we should move back to California. Sean grew up in central CA, but he and I are lovers of the beach and the ocean. If we are going to uproot ourselves from my beloved Jersey, we won't settle for less than being near the ocean. So, we are figuring that in about a year, once all the estate business is done, we are hoping to be ready to make the move. Where? Don't know yet. No options, including the East Coast, are off the table. We have time to do our homework and then make the decision that is best for both of us.
East vs West Coast...decisions, decisions...

Spiritually, I am being called to by Yemaya in all her guises. The Great Goddess of the streams, rivers, lakes and oceans has been reaching out to get my attention. She answered my prayers before, though at the time I did not know it. Many years ago when Tropical Storm Floyd came and settled over central NJ, I lost all of my personal belongings in a flood. The only things that survived were my two darling cats, Silly and Zella. Everything else was lost. I was in such a rut then; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Something needed to change and I just didn't know how to get myself 'unstuck'. Every day I would pray for the answer to how to change my life which was sapping my spiritual energy away a little at a time. Enter Floyd, who surely was following the commands of the Goddess, and brought the rising flood waters which swept away every material possession I owned. My best friend, Debbie, told me afterward that I had just had the most powerful, spiritual cleansing ever...and she was right.
Every day is a fresh start...

I have been afraid of Yemaya, and deep waters ever since then. But I know that energy...that voice, when it called to me in a dream one night a few weeks ago. I heard Her say, 'Remember...' and remembered the rushing waters which took all I owned many years ago. I would not make the mistake of ignoring her or the lesson she taught me:  It is time to move on...I am ready...I need to make it happen. So, that is where I am. I am learning more about Yemaya and the water Goddesses. We've had some problems with our relationship because of me getting past my fears. But I have to remember how powerful water is and that this lesson for me, means I can handle it for a greater purpose. I guess I'll learn what that purpose is, in time...
Yemaya...for so many blessings....I thank you...

That's all the brain drain I have for now friends....more soon! Bright Blessings to you all!


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