
Showing posts from September, 2014

It goes on...

(L)September 2012 and (R)September 2014 Sometimes, you can't go home again... I went to see my parent's house for the first time since we sold it in January. I knew it was going to be demolished because the man who bought it planned to build two new houses on the property. I was prepared for some emotional response. It was also going to be a reality check...there would never be another time I could look at this place and see it as 'home'. The house was razed to it's foundation. I walked up to the steps...broken...rails removed...still marking the place where the front door once stood at 13 South Grove Avenue. Initially, I just looked around quietly and nodded. I acknowledged the presence of  heavy machinery and dumpsters where I once played with my dogs, friends, and had picnics and pig roasts with family. I saw piles of dirt and debris where I had lain in the grass gazing at the stars, talking to the full moon, listening to the sounds of my suburban neighborhood an

New home for Childfree Moxie!

Hi there! Welcome to Childfree Moxie! Glad you could join me. This blog was previously on Wordpress...but I really didn't like their set up. Not much creative freedom for my taste. I already have another blog here- Mid-Stride Moxie! - and if you're so inclined, feel free to mosey over there and read about the rest of my crazy life! This blog is just devoted to my life as a woman who is Childfree by Choice.  I know there are those who want kids but could never have them....this is probably not the place for you. I have many friends who do have kids but are very supportive of my choice not to have any. This is not a place, however, to talk about the joys of parenthood. This is also not a place to talk about the joys of being an aunt or uncle. This is actually not a place to talk about kids. This is about living life in a society that is extremely pronatalist and often treats children like little cult icons. Those who don't want children often become hostile against 'breed

Mid-Stride Moxie goes Back-to-School!

Many years ago, I walked away from the Bachelor's degree I had been pursuing for 4 years. At the time, I had already completed an Associate's Degree, but for the B.A. - I was one class short. I literally walked away at the very end...failing to submit my final paper for the last class which left me with an Incomplete grade and no degree. Why?  Many people asked that question and I've asked myself that a gazillion times over the years. All I can say is, 'It seemed like the right move at the time'. Relationships, family, work, LIFE....all conspired at that time to make my life ridiculous and my response was to walk away from it. At that time, I was a younger woman, still allowing people to live vicariously through me and my accomplishments. There was no praise, only condemnation that I didn't appreciate and wasn't doing more with what I had been given. I did what I was expected to do, until I finally had enough and turned on my heel and left. Truth is, I never

The Parting Veil and Dream Time

Tis that time of year....I can feel the push and pull of the Season when the veils between worlds start to draw back and my sleep time is invaded more frequently. For many people who want to develop their psychic abilities but are afraid of what will happen, Dream Time is the easiest way I've found to dip your toe into the cosmic pool. You can ask to go slowly, see images that are not scary, and learn to control your dreams in a way you never could before. I'm not much for the whole 'journaling' about your they often disappear once my eyes are open. But as I have developed better use of Dream Time, I remember more and more without having to write things down. There is a pressure on me that I can literally feel all over my body during my sleep now...I feel almost like I'm underwater. I tend to tire earlier...and where on a normal night I'd be up till 10 or 11pm so I could get up for work around 5 or 6, I find I am nodding off  barely an hour after sun

Bad Pagan-No Pagan Utopia for me

Once again, I have found myself discussing subjects with both Pagans and non-Pagans that make me a very unpopular Witch. The problems arise as we, Pagans, come from a variety of backgrounds, lifestyles, cultures, philosophies and spiritual paths. We tend to look for the unifying thread among us; the beliefs that will allow us to come together and be stronger in numbers (to ensure our survival). As people who believe in Nature, Magick, Life and was difficult to find a common thread for the Utopia many believe this world could/should be. The world is far too diverse to reach the standard of Utopian equality and idealism in all things. We strive toward that but even the Pagan community cannot agree on most things day-to-day. We walk individual paths and then try to come together and end up with massive gridlock. This is what once again sits me in the corner with my pointy Witch hat with 'Bad Pagan' written on it. I don't believe in a Utopia, nor do I feel we can att

Goddess of Many Colors....

I wrote a blog this morning on the Mid-Stride Moxie Tumblr page. It started from a post where someone was getting upset at drawings of Yemaya being portrayed in different races. The original post stated that this version Yemaja- They said, "Last time I checked, this was an accurate image of Yemanja..." Could not be the same Goddess as this version of Yemaya- They also said, "So, who dis white woman?" There was a reply that explained how Yemanja was incorporated into the Christian religion by the Native peoples and so She came to be seen more like the Virgin Mary, etc. I knew that and I normally would have just let it go since I understood the history. What bothered me more was the possessiveness.... Why do we still insist that the Goddess has to look like us and because of that, no one else can have Her? I tried to explain more in this blog. Please follow the link to my Tumblr post (and follow, too...that would be nice!) Then please share your thoughts with me. Godd

Fear is a Liar

Fear is a liar and a thief. Fear is a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual prison that we put ourselves in. It holds us in its grip, prevents us from having the life we want and from being the kind of people we want to be. Fear places limitations on us which impact our spirits and ability to become enlightened, magickal beings. Fear is a negative energy and will attract other like energies to us such as anger, depression or regret. It will affect the way we think, feel, and well as influencing the energies of those around us.                                           Fear encourages us lie to ourselves and binds us to our own limitations. I have been amazed at the way we buy into the lies fear tells us. I have a friend who is a beautiful, intelligent, strong and brave woman. If she thinks that any of her friends or family are being threatened....she is intimidating, fierce and dangerous. When it comes to getting past her own fears and making changes for