Fear is a Liar

Fear is a liar and a thief. Fear is a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual prison that we put ourselves in. It holds us in its grip, prevents us from having the life we want and from being the kind of people we want to be. Fear places limitations on us which impact our spirits and ability to become enlightened, magickal beings. Fear is a negative energy and will attract other like energies to us such as anger, depression or regret. It will affect the way we think, feel, and behave...as well as influencing the energies of those around us.            
Fear encourages us lie to ourselves and binds us to our own limitations. I have been amazed at the way we buy into the lies fear tells us. I have a friend who is a beautiful, intelligent, strong and brave woman. If she thinks that any of her friends or family are being threatened....she is intimidating, fierce and dangerous. When it comes to getting past her own fears and making changes for herself.....not so much. That blows my mind every time! You can almost see the change in her energy as it curls into itself at the idea of taking care of herself and moving out of her comfort zone. It hurts to see the glorious potential be smothered by Fear...
I am as guilty of it as much as anyone else. Most of the jobs I have had in my adult life have been to care for others. After giving my energy toward others all day long, I was drained and had none left to put towards any sort of spiritual practice or any other goals. When I thought of focusing more on myself, Fear pushed back and kept me in line. 'Why bother? No one cares about me.'  
I hear the same fearful delusions from others. "Everyone comes to me when they have a problem, but no one is ever there for ME!" Seriously, let's just call that one out as pure, unadulterated bullshit....because it is. The best lie Fear tells us is actually a partial truth. No one is there for us....because our Fear caused us to abandon ourselves in order to be servants to those who take us for granted. If we don't look out for ourselves....why should anyone else look out for us?

There are people we all know (probably ourselves), who are so busy with this issue or that....they preach about all sorts of causes...they seem to have a battle with the world that will never stop. You see them running themselves ragged taking care of everyone else and all their baggage. You mention it to them, try to get them to stop and take care of themselves and they...just...can't. There is just too much to do and if they aren't doing it then 'no one will'. So what is wrong with that? What is wrong with letting others deal with the consequences of their own action or inaction and working on our own lives? The thought alone is so terrifying that more often than not our friends will immediately scurry away from us at the mere suggestion. 
What is this fear that keeps us prisoner to the lives of unappreciated, unfulfilled lives that we've created? Fear of not being needed? Fear of disapproval? Fear of being alone? Fear of being still? Fear of change? Fear of failure? Fear of success? I'm sure there are many reasons why we run in circles and still make no progress toward living the life we dream of. As I've said before-Fear is a Liar. As I get older, I find that it gets easier to make excuses and there are many of my own age who are happy to help me make excuses. We talk of it being, 'too late' or being 'settled in my ways' and giving up on the plans and dreams we cry out for in our hearts.  We tolerate the intolerable, our spirits shrink and suffer every day we cower in fear and don't lead lives that we are authentically ourselves. 

Have you ever had a place where people 'think' they know you....but never actually talk to you or try to 'get to know you'? Initially, as people acted like they knew me through rumors or assumptions, it hurt and I hated it. I wanted the approval of my peers or at the very least, their clear tolerance of me. The fear would grab a hold of me every day, so that I didn't want to say the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time so they wouldn't have the wrong idea about me. I made myself a nervous wreck, lost sleep, couldn't eat....just focusing on the fear of what others thought of me. I postponed my own education, spirituality and leisure time activities in order to focus on what I was afraid of losing.  I gave my time, my emotions, my mind and much of my life over to a fear that I had no control over and my own self care went out the window while I remained in the prison of my own making.
I am in a different place now as I have many changes coming up in my life. I am going back to school to finish a Bachelor's Degree I left incomplete over 20 years ago. Am I afraid that my 49 year old brain will fail me? Yep-but I'm doing it anyway because I want to. Wishing I had done it years ago didn't get me past my fears. Getting out of my comfort zone and finally registering for class is getting it done now. 
My husband and I are going to move to Southern California next year. Scared? Hell yes! Moving across country, with a hubby and two cats....needing to find a job and a comfortable place to live that we can afford by the beach IS daunting...but it can be done, as long as I don't give in to fear. Why are we risking the comforts we have? Because the happiness we seek is worth it and so are we!

Fear creeps up in whispers, facial expressions, knots of anxiety in the pit of your stomach. I read somewhere that 'Fear is the energy that contracts'. It makes you curl into a ball...like a little pill bug...but that is no way to live! You must open...expand...and even the smallest action conquers fear and moves you toward your goal. Like an arrow that is pulled back before sailing forward towards the intended target, we must release Fear in order to move toward our true selves. It is a leap into which we jump into our own arms. Fear would rather you hesitate, stumble and be convinced it will always hurt or be awkward. People who rely on your servitude will say you are selfish, mean, thoughtless....and cry that 'you' are abandoning 'them'. Their Fear is speaking to your Fear...stop listening. Live with intention...release Fear...embrace yourself....

Fear is a Liar. It says you can't change anything. You may not be able to change everything, today, all-at-once but it is possible to create the positive life you desire. Small,deliberate steps will move you and attract positive, kinetic energy to you. There is a paralytic element to Fear that serves no one. Move forward through Fear...get to the other side. Seek for the truth...look inside. What do you want? What small thing can you do today that will help you learn or move you a little closer? Whatever you can do...when you feel that flutter in you belly or you hesitate, remember "Fear is a Liar"....Then DO IT!!


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