Goddess of Many Colors....

I wrote a blog this morning on the Mid-Stride Moxie Tumblr page. It started from a post where someone was getting upset at drawings of Yemaya being portrayed in different races.
The original post stated that this version Yemaja-
They said, "Last time I checked, this was an accurate image of Yemanja..."
Could not be the same Goddess as this version of Yemaya-
They also said, "So, who dis white woman?"

There was a reply that explained how Yemanja was incorporated into the Christian religion by the Native peoples and so She came to be seen more like the Virgin Mary, etc. I knew that and I normally would have just let it go since I understood the history.

What bothered me more was the possessiveness.... Why do we still insist that the Goddess has to look like us and because of that, no one else can have Her? I tried to explain more in this blog. Please follow the link to my Tumblr post (and follow, too...that would be nice!) Then please share your thoughts with me.


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