The Parting Veil and Dream Time

Tis that time of year....I can feel the push and pull of the Season when the veils between worlds start to draw back and my sleep time is invaded more frequently. For many people who want to develop their psychic abilities but are afraid of what will happen, Dream Time is the easiest way I've found to dip your toe into the cosmic pool. You can ask to go slowly, see images that are not scary, and learn to control your dreams in a way you never could before. I'm not much for the whole 'journaling' about your they often disappear once my eyes are open. But as I have developed better use of Dream Time, I remember more and more without having to write things down.

There is a pressure on me that I can literally feel all over my body during my sleep now...I feel almost like I'm underwater. I tend to tire earlier...and where on a normal night I'd be up till 10 or 11pm so I could get up for work around 5 or 6, I find I am nodding off  barely an hour after sunset. By 9 I find I've either fallen asleep on the sofa or I've already dragged my ass to bed about half an hour before. However, it's not a quiet, peaceful sleep. My psyche is invaded by images, sounds, smells, and energies from the time I lay my head down till I wake up. For me, it's an odd sort of privilege, to be able to receive these messages and it is inspirational to learn how to work with them.
It's taken some time for me to recognize when spirits are trying to communicate through dreams. There were many years where, well before I needed to, I would wake up early just to get them to shut up! Now I'm better at shielding myself before bed if I need some quiet and for the most part, it works. But mostly what happens now is my mind is flooded with images. I dream in vivid color, so it makes things interesting...often like some bizarre movie marathon. I don't always understand the meaning of the symbolism of the dreams right away. It may be days before the right scenario presents itself so I can put to use what information was given to me in dream time. I just store the information away and patiently go through my days until the right situation presents itself for my understanding.

I also try to keep track when I realize there is a message for someone else. I pass messages along as discreetly as I can and (unlike on TV) I have only rarely had messages that had a direct request in a very specific manner. Most of the time, what I see is one giant narrative that needs an audience and I figure out what to do with it. I frequently ask Goddess and/or the Universe for guidance, and the answers come to me through dreams. People, places and things are revealed in some ordinary and extraordinary ways and their meaning is left for me to ponder. Some scenarios and messages are fairly straightforward. Others....well....they leave me puzzled and asking for input from the many Witchy friends I have.

Never be afraid of asking others for their interpretation of a dream you can't seem to figure out. This may very well be the point of the dream, because the message is not meant for YOU. In the past I had a reoccurring dream for nearly a week. I was getting quite frustrated because I could not understand the person in the dream, nor the symbols that were revealed. I finally mentioned it to an online friend and asked her to give me her objective opinion. Turns out that the person I was seeing in my dream was her grandfather...and what he was telling me was the location of her grandmother's engagement rings that she had lost. Why did he not contact her directly? Because she probably would have been too emotional or startled by seeing him and miss what he was trying to tell her. By telling me, he knew I'd remember the details and could pass them on to my friend. Mission accomplished...

Some people say they never remember their dreams. Others have dreams they never understand. Dreams not only carry spiritual messages but also those problem solving efforts of our mind when it is quiet and there is not so much input trying to force it's way into our minds. Dream Time gives us a great opportunity to look inward and get to know ourselves. How are we feeling...what symbol made us feel a certain way...who was the person involved, etc. Dreams are often the Universe coming through and saying 'You KNOW what this is about. Face it and deal with it.' Oh yes...persistent, repetitive dreams are Goddess' way of nagging us....the more we resist, the more intense the message.

During this time of the year, be brave and delve deep into your dreams. Breathe deep before you go to sleep and affirm that you are open to receiving impressions, symbols and messages from across the Veil. You can be very clear that only those messages and spirits that will be gentle and friendly are welcome and no others may enter your Dream Time. Be open to visits from spirits who want to say hello or provide guidance for you. Ask for guidance and you will be surprised that many spirits would love to help you out. Allow yourself to be open to receiving messages that will help you walk through the world with more awareness.  Breathe.....listen....receive.  Sweet dreams!



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