Childfree time well spent...

Some people tend to think that Childfree people have an insane amount of discretionary income to just throw about. Studies do show that Childfree individuals actually make the same amount of money as parents, it is the way and places the money is spent which indicates the difference between those with kids and the Childfree. Now, my husband and I have a decent income at this time, but we also have BILLS, just like those people with kids. Rent, car insurance, phone, electric/utilities, groceries, etc are just some of the expenditures we consistently attend to monthly. Honestly, what we and any other Childfree person can spend on ourselves aside from those financial commitments depends largely on the salary we make. Hubby and I do alright...certainly better than if we had to devote a major chunk of our income toward the care, raising and needs of a child...or several...instead of focusing on our own needs and wants.

One of the benefits of being Childfree is that we ARE able to devote all of our free time, energy and financial resources towards doing those things that make us happy. For example-the Hubby and I are in the midst of planning to move to California from New Jersey this year because we want to live by the ocean all year round. Seriously...the only reason we're doing it now instead of waiting for retirement is because we want to still be young and healthy enough (we're both in our 50's) to be able to enjoy living on the coast. One of the things we truly are fortunate about is that we can do this, knowing that even though the budget might be tight for awhile, we can just consider our own needs in this move. While finding a job with a decent wage and benefits is a lovely and major goal that we strive for, we are prepared to tighten our belts for till we make it happen. We are able to plan this out and make this happen because it is what will make us happy....isn't that awesome?

I know parents, grandparents, and Childfree individuals who don't even pursue hobbies or interests of their own because they seem to have forgotten how to focus on themselves. Hobbies and interests not only strengthen the identity of the individual, it provides much needed socialization and an outlet for stress. While those with kids choose to focus on the hobbies, interests, playdates and education of their kids at the expense of their own, the Childfree have no such reason not to indulge in those activities that make us feel good about ourselves.

Just recently I was reading the Childfree board on Reddit and was interested at the kinds of unique hobbies that Childfree folks spent their time on. Everything from the standard 'travel the world' to 'seeing live operas' to 'LARPing' has been keeping Childfree individuals happy and active in their lives and communities. Some hobbies can cost more money than others; many individuals enjoy going out to eat, dancing, going back to school for a degree, restoring cars, etc. Others enjoy more inexpensive activities like: cooking for friends, reading, painting, binge watching movies on Netflix, running/yoga/exercising, to volunteering in various community organizations. The point is-if you aren't having kids who will take up the majority of your time and cash, then what ARE you doing with your Childfree life to get the most out of it?

Hubby and I discuss this often. He has said that even something like being able to buy clothes we want for ourselves without having to sacrifice for a child is a perk. He said to me that our move is a big deal because it means we can just simply spend more time at the beach-which we wouldn't be able to do as often, as long, or in the same manner of enjoyment if we had to consider any children.
Taking long naps is something he can do when he chooses to without guilt or other consequences. We both love going to car shows, seeing live bands, and generally tooling around and having fun.
Mostly, we get to spend time focusing on and enjoying each other. I've seen a number of friends whose relationships have died when children have come along. Some people are meant to be parents and can maintain those relationships....others, aren't. The Hubby and I are better together as a Childfree couple...we like it that way and try to make the most of it.

Some people forget that the hobbies and the interests you invest yourself in are not wasted bits of time or 'luxuries'. We are here to enjoy this life. Some Childfree folks feel like the have to apologize for allowing themselves to enjoy those things that make them happy in front of their friends with children. I have often heard, 'Must be nice...' in response to many a trip, event, or activity I reported having fun doing. I don't do guilt...I simply respond, 'Yes, it really was.' Be happy in how you choose to spend your time...there is only a finite amount of it. How are you living your Childfree life? What are you doing that gives you pleasure or satisfaction? How are you learning, growing, or progressing?
What you do...that which makes you your gift to the world. Your happiness is shared with everyone you come into contact with. This life is an are you spending yours?


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