Thankful A-Z
Hello friends and WELCOME to the Thanksgiving edition of Childfree Moxie! It's been a little while since I've posted anything! Of course, at the moment I might be talking to myself, since the last time I chatted here it was shortly after I moved my blog from Wordpress over here to Blogger. is often the case, there are a number of Childfree individuals who dread Turkey Day. Sometimes you can add the Single folks to the mix, as they often get hit doubly hard by the gathering to come. Family time at has a variety of expressions all over America depending on the cultures, states and relatives you throw into the mix. For some it's a wonderful and loving gathering of folks you don't get to see often enough. For others, it is an insane obligation once a year to put up with people you don't want to speak to let alone sit next to at the dinner table. For me, it was somewhere in the middle of all that...mostly good, some crazy...but generally ...